23/10/2017 - Articles, News
Plastic jewelry: the history of Rosalba Rombolà

Rosalba has been dedicated for many years to the creation of jewelry with recycled material and lately uses plastic found on the beaches for his creations. We interviewed her to find out more about her story.
Rosalba Rombolà has been working for many years to create jewelry with recycled materials. Her goal is to make jewelry' that embellish, not precious' as she explains on her Facebook page. Over the course of time she has used different techniques of creation trying to combine ancient and modern techniques such as gold jewellery, waxing, jewelry design, sewing, clay modelling and knitting. In recent years Rosalba has dedicated herself to the recovery of plastic and abandoned nets on the beaches and, from this material, has started a new path of sustainable creation, we have interviewed her in order to better understand how this project is born.
How did you imagine that you could use material from the sea of reuse before your beautiful jewelry?
I've always used recycled material for my jewellery but with nets it was a casual encounter. A spring walk on the beach, the beat that took us back to afloat the signs left by the previous summer. I started a collection of all the plastic. Variety of colours and beautiful. My hands began to create, while mind and heart dictated its forms.
Has her childhood in Tropea (South Italy) influenced his aesthetics?
Absolutely yes. Genesis is really there. I always have my eyes open. I very much like observing how nature changes in all its exceptions. The sea, the sun, the sky, the earth. I can observe the horizon sitting on the shore for hours and wait to enjoy all the shades of sky. And then the earth. Here there is a visceral bond. He comes to me when I was a child when I went to my paternal grandfather's land and saw him growing his garden. It was of absolute beauty, it seemed painted. Variety of colors and scents of vegetables, fruit and flowers for every season. And then, as the evening falls, the peasant returned to the perfect village with an elegance of other times.
What materials do you use, and how?
Every material can be transformed to create a precious object to wear. I observe, I find an inspiration and then start manipulating. If the idea works for me and I like that material becomes a collection. Sometimes we spend the nights there until I realize what I have in mind.
How were you greeted with your jewelry by the public?
I always have positive feedback, like the idea of an alternative material to precious materials and above all with a deep civic sense.
Where can we find your jewellery?
On my facebook page and Instagram I always report markets or shops where to find them.