08/01/2018 - Projects
School of Robotics partner of TOUCH Project

TOUCH is a project co-funded by Compagnia di San Paolo aimed to design and - by 3D priting - manufacture new "tactile" museum itineraries to be inclusive for people with visual impairment.
“TOUCH arte da toccare” is the winning project of the Open 2016 Innovative Projects of Audience Engagement project of the Compagnia di San Paolo, dedicated to creating accessible and inclusive paths for the enjoyment of art.
Scuola di robotica is one of the partners. One of the rules to be respected when visiting a museum is not to touch the various objects such as painting and sculptures. A form of protection that unfortunately works to the disadvantage of a number of people who use touch to explore. Touching is a way of understanding, discovering, bringing people closer to new elements and perceiving new sensations. The tactile perception of a work of art is not an experience reserved only for people with visual impairments, but it can be an enrichment for everyone;"seeing with one's hands" can strengthen the understanding of the work itself. Tact is revealed as a fundamental instrument of perception, an instinctive component of knowledge; an example of this is the children, who in their continuous discovery of the world, touch anything. This is the starting point for the "TOUCH arte da toccare" project, winner of the "Open 2016 Innovative Projects of Audience Engagement", funded by Compagnia di San Paolo, in support of initiatives aimed at broadening and diversifying cultural demand through experimentation with new forms of active involvement of the public.
A project that aims to make cultural heritage accessible and inclusive by overcoming all kinds of physical and cultural barriers. The aim is to facilitate visits to museums for children and adolescents, increasing the offer of cultural products accessible also to people with visual disabilities; the public utility consists in offering opportunities for participation and active involvement and in creating new opportunities for collaboration between institutions and associations that already operate in the territory. Cultural engagement is the tool for intercepting a "new public" and promoting awareness of our cultural heritage. The project involves the active involvement of five primary and secondary schools in the Genoese territory, a group of teenagers selected from among the users of local educational services and a group of high school students.
PROJECT TOUCH: https://www.scuoladirobotica.it/it/download.html?f=TOUCH_Progetto.pdf&d=342&c=3711a4b330ece4581db26dde781348e890ab0e90
In the attachment you can find the profile of TOUCH project (in Italian)