04/12/2018 - News, Projects
Guardiani della Costa (Coastal Guardian) Project enters the second year

Guardiani della Costa (Coastal Guardian) is a project funded and promoted by Costa Crociere Foundation in partnership which School of Robotics.
Guardiani della Costa (Coastal Guardian) enters the second year of the project.
A the end of the first year of activities (2017-2018) students of 156 Italian high schools uploaded on the project's app more than 50 thousand reportings about the data to be collected on their adopted stretch of coast.
Guardiani della Costa (Coastal Guardian) is the most important of the Italian projects for high schools where a citizen science approach is required. Its aim is to raise awarness about the state of Italian coasts and the sea about the negative effects of the wastes abandoned in the Mediterranean, especially plastics and micro plastics wastes.
Guardiani della Costa (Coastal Guardian) offers free training for teachers and students. Itis a real educational project and it is connected to the so called Alternanza Scuola Lavoro, or traineeships in companies reform in Italy, where students start to experience periods of working activties in external companies.
The project offer to the schools digital resources such as the website and the free App will be made available. These tools allow hundreds of students from all over Italy to access methods of investigation and study of the coast, share the results and effectively become guardians of a stretch of coast and sea of their own country.
Guardiani della Costa embraces the philosophy of citizen science - or citizens' science - proposing a series of initiatives to involve the public in scientific activities. Also for its second year, Guardiani della Costa is listed among the projects valued as excellent by the Ministry of Education, and published on the MIUR's website "Protocolli in Rete" (Online Agreements). It is the object of a Memorandum of Understanding between the MIUR, Costa Crociere Foundation and Scuola di Robotica.
The project is free. Teachers of the Institutes enrolled will be offered training days certified by Scuola di Robotica, MIUR Certified educational center. Pre-registration: Higher education institutions (your teachers) can now send the pre-registration in order to ensure that their team has reserved the enrollment.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE: go to the Protocolli in rete website: http://www.istruzione.it/ProtocolliInRete/ e follow instructions about Guardiani della Costa
Here: http://www.istruzione.it/ProtocolliInRete/Protocolli_Accordi.html
you can find the Protocol for Guardiani della Costa